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The {0} field must be between 8-64 characters in length and contain 1 or more uppercase and 1 or more numbers or special characters.
The {0} field only accepts hyphenated numeric values.
The {0} field only accepts hyphenated alphanumeric values.
The {0} field must be a {1} digit number.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please

1. Retry Your Action. Sometimes a simple refresh or trying again can resolve the issue.

2. Return to the Homepage.


Solicitação inválida
O campo {0} é necessário.
O campo {0} não pode exceder {1} caracteres.
O campo {0} deve ter entre 6 e 12 caracteres e conter, pelo menos, um número e uma letra, sem caracteres especiais.
The {0} field must be between {1}-{2} characters in length and contain at least {3} number and {4} letter with no special characters.
The {0} field must be between {1}-{2} characters in length and contain at least {3} number and {4} letter.

O campo {0} deve conter entre 6 e 20 caracteres e conter, pelo menos, uma letra, sem caracteres especiais.
The {0} field must be between {1}-{2} characters in length and contain at least {3} letter with no special characters.
O campo {0} não é um e-mail válido.
The {0} field only accepts numeric values, “-”, “/”, and spaces.
The {0} field can only contain numeric values.
O campo {0} deve ter o mesmo valor que o campo {1}.
The {0} field must contain {1} to {2} characters in length.
The {0} field must be a {1} or {2} digit number.
The {0} field can only contain numeric values.
The {0} field is not valid.

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