]]> ]]> ]]> 省钱并每年就现在至{0}期间所有确认的俱乐部住宿购买 对每年通过会员俱乐部 (THE Club®) 旅行多次的会员更具价值 ]]> As an alternative, we also offer travel protection at the time of confirmation: ]]> We encourage you to purchase reservation protection at the time of booking. Purchasing the Reservation Protection Plan will ensure a 100% reimbursement of the amount charged for the Xchange reservation should you need to cancel up to 24 hours prior to arrival date. Additional protection can be purchased in several ways: • Reservation Protection Plan: While Booking - Purchased at the time a particular reservation is confirmed, solely for that particular reservation. • Reservation Protection Plan: After Confirmation - Coverage can be purchased for a particular reservation after confirmation exclusively when the arrival date for the stay previously confirmed is outside of the cancellation point penalty range. - Please contact us using the contact controls on this website for assistance in adding this to your reservation ]]>
您已购买预订保护保险承保,因此只要提前 24 小时提出,您可出于任何理由更改或取消此预订。
另外,您获得 365 天的保险承保!
我们建议会员在进行预订时购买预订保障计划(RPP)。如果会员因任何原因需要在抵达日期最少3天前取消预订,RPP 将确保积分100%的退还。预订保障(RPP)只适用于保障ClubVizta 纬诗达度假网络内的酒店,其他度假产品将不适用。
如果您需要取消预订,请尽快联系预订部,以免支付费用或损失积分。您可以重新安排一次您的入住,无需支付额外费用,亦不损失积分。但如果在确认入住日期前不足 72 小时内取消预订,您将丧失您在做出该期间的预订时使用的全部积分。
国际钻石度假村® (Diamond Resorts) 希望通过旅行保护产品 (Travel Protection Products) 帮助您确保假期顺畅无忧。在下述两项理想方案中,您定可找到一款符合您需求的产品。
Any regular reservation, whether for a full week or partial week:
Any Member that cancels a reservation within fourteen (14) days in advance of the first day of a reservation will not be able to make an additional exchange request. The deposited vacation ownership week is forfeited.