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Add Card
When Add Card is selected, a secure credit card entry page will display. Here, you’ll be able to enter your credit card information. Once entered, you will be navigated back to this page.

We are collecting your credit card, however, real-time credit card processing is currently not available. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will contact you within three business days to collect the payments required to finalize your reservation confirmation.

Step 1
Credit Card
Pay To
Due Date
Request Date
Arrival Date
Unit Type
Points Allotted
Return to exchange program

Step 2
Final Confirmation
Your payment has been processed and an e-mail has been sent to {0}.
To be allotted within 24 business hours
Points Allotted:
For Use Year:
Process Fee:
Credit Card Transaction Confirmation:
An error occurred while processing your payment. Please contact customer support.

Please correct the following errors before continuing:
Your submission has been successfully received.
There was an error trying to perform your request. Please try again later.
CVV is required.
Terms must be accepted.
Credit card must be selected.

1. Deposit Request
2. Payment Details
3. Confirmation
Summary of Fees
Return to Deposit Request
Select a payment card. To enter a new card click "Add Card" below.
Credit Card Information

Payment: When you select "Proceed to Payment" you will be redirected to a third-party payment portal to enter your Debit/Credit Card details to enable payment to be taken.]]>
*I accept and acknowledge that my deposit is confirmed upon clicking "Proceed to Payment" and I am bound by it. I understand that if I cancel or abort the transaction any time after clicking "Proceed to Payment" but prior to submitting payment, I will then be contacted to either complete the payment process or to cancel my deposit.
Proceed to Payment

Caution: Clicking the back button on your browser may result in duplicate payments.]]>

Caution: Clicking the back button on your browser may result in duplicate payments.]]>

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