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The {0} field must be between {1}-{2} characters in length and contain at least {3} number and {4} letter and at least {5} upper case letter.

必须填写 {0} 字段.
{0} 字段的长度不得超过 {1} 个字符.
{0} 字段的长度必须在 6-12 个字符之间,不得含有特殊字符,至少含有一个数字和一个字母.
The {0} field must be between {1}-{2} characters in length and contain at least {3} number and {4} letter with no special characters.
The {0} field must be between {1}-{2} characters in length and contain at least {3} number and {4} letter.

{0} 字段的长度必须在 6-20 个字符之间,不得含有特殊字符,至少含有一个字母.
The {0} field must be between {1}-{2} characters in length and contain at least {3} letter with no special characters.
{0} 字段不是有效的电子邮箱地址.
{0} 字段只接受数值、“-”、“/”和空格.
{0} 字段只可含有数值.
{0} 字段必须与 {1} 字段具有相同的值.
{0} 字段的长度必须包含 {1} 至 {2} 个字符.
{0} 字段必须是 {1} 或 {2} 位数
{0} 字段只可含有数值.
{0} 字段无效.
Consent checkbox is required.
Username and Password cannot be the same.
Password contains prohibited words.

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