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I accept the terms above and understand and acknowledge this payment of the fee(s) is non transferable or non-refundable. Your reservation/benefit is not confirmed until payment is taken.]]>
When Add Card is selected, a secure credit card entry page will display. Here, you’ll be able to enter your credit card information. Once entered, you will be navigated back to this page.
Destination Xchange Deposit
Summary of Fees
Step 1
Step 2
1. Payment Details
2. Confirmation
Credit Card Information
Select a payment card. To enter a new card, click 'Add Card' below:
Add Card
Card Verification Number
I have read and understand the terms described above.]]>
Submit Payment I authorize charge to my credit/debit card for one-time payments indicated above. In the event we are unable to secure funds from my credit/debit card for any of the transactions referenced above for any reason, including but not limited to, insufficient funds in my credit/debit card account or inaccurate information provided by me when I submit my electronic payment, further collection action may be undertaken including application of fees to the extent permitted by law.]]>
Process Payment
Points Deposited:
Your payment has been processed and an e-mail has been sent to {0}
Tier {0}: {1} Points
For Use Year:
Process Fee:
Credit Card Transaction Confirmation:
Return to Homepage
Payment Details
Payment Confirmation

Deposit Fees
Deposit Expiration Date:
Deposit Confirmation Number:
{0} Points / Tier {1}

Please Select A Credit Card
Authorization Is Required
CVV Is Required

Payment: When you select "Proceed to Payment" you will be redirected to a third-party payment portal to enter your Debit/Credit Card details to enable payment to be taken.]]>
*I accept and acknowledge that my Destination Xchange Deposit is confirmed upon clicking "Proceed to Payment" and I am bound by it. I understand that if I cancel or abort the transaction any time after clicking "Proceed to Payment" but prior to submitting payment, I will then be contacted to either complete the payment process or to cancel my Destination Xchange Deposit.
Proceed to Payment

Caution: Clicking the back button on your browser may result in duplicate payments.]]>

Caution: Clicking the back button on your browser may result in duplicate payments.]]>

Tier Deposited:
Tier {0}

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