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Why set up Two Factor Authentication (2FA)?

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is an additional step in the Sign in process, where an alternative method of identity verification is incorporated into your signing in experience.

This typically involves verifying a code that is sent through to your email address or mobile device via SMS or through using Apps such as Google or Microsoft Authenticator.

Enabling 2FA makes your online account more secure by increasing the complexity involved for a malicious party attempting to access your account.

It is a common theme for users to re-use passwords for multiple websites, against standard recommendations on all secure platforms.

It is therefore important to add this second layer of security to limit the risk of your account being accessed by an unknown party, should your password be exposed in a data breach on the web.

To enable 2FA for your account, simply sign into your account and visit the Security Tab in your Account Preferences.

Recommended method to setup 2FA is using an app. Follow the instructions provided within the Members Area.

Optional method can be setup to verify using the email address on your account.

2FA is required for usage of the site, however once enrolled in 2FA, you may disable an authenticator within the Preferences -> Security section of the Members Area. Disable Buttons are provided next to each authenticator associated with your account. Using these buttons will completely remove those authenticators from your account. You will need to go through re-verification for authenticator(s), should you wish to re-enable, and a minimum of one method is required as 2FA is required.


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