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Accessibility Corporate Statement

Diamond Resorts is committed to providing wonderful holidays for all our members and takes into consideration the needs of those who have a disability or an access requirement.

We have an ongoing program of commitment which consists of:

  • Ensuring we aim to comply with disability discrimination legislation and exceed the requirements (where possible) regarding the refurbishment of our resorts.
  • Making appropriate enhancements to resorts and resort plans.
  • Improving internal awareness and training.
  • Providing accurate information on our website and in our literature, including information on access, available facilities and auxiliary aids.
  • Communicating with our members via regular disability forums and surveys to identify areas for improvement.
  • Producing compliant literature and communicating within the same guidelines.

Please note that we offer you a wide range of complimentary accessories available for your comfort. The resort has a sharps bin and medical waste disposable bags upon request.

Please note that we offer you a wide range of complimentary accessories available for your comfort. The resort has a sharps bin and medical waste disposable bags upon request.

We have ADA amenities available. For any guests needing assistance, or if you have any questions/comments regarding the above, please contact us at:

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Accessibility Photo Gallery



国际钻石度假村® (Diamond Resorts) 体贴关怀残障人士或行动不便人士对无障碍设施之需要,致力为全体会员打造美好的度假体验。


  • 确保我们始终遵守残障歧视法律,并力求在度假村翻新方面超越要求(如可能)
  • 对度假村及度假村计划进行适当改进
  • 加强内部意识与培训
  • 确保网站及资料中信息的准确性,包括有关无障碍设施、可用设施及辅助设施的信息
  • 通过定期的残障论坛及调查与我们的会员进行沟通,确定有待改进之处
  • 编制合规文件并按照相同的指导方针传达这些文件。

Diamond Resorts 拥有或管理其部分上市物业;对于其他人,Diamond Resorts 允许预订单独拥有或管理的物业。对于这些酒店,Diamond Resorts 可能没有关于可用无障碍功能的准确或完整信息,很遗憾,无法对这些酒店的任何功能或政策承担任何责任。

对于 Diamond Resorts 拥有或管理的物业,我们提供 ADA 便利设施。对于任何需要帮助的客人,或者如果您对上述内容有任何疑问/意见,请通过以下方式与我们联系:




Disability and Access Requirements
Our goal is to make every effort to accommodate the accessibility needs of our guests. While the resort selected is not managed by Diamond Resorts, we request you review the information provided by the resort below:
Whether your request is for an adapted accommodation, assistance equipment or if you have any requests you would like the resort to be aware of prior to your arrival, please take a moment to contact the resort directly prior to arrival.

Accessibility Corporate Statement

Hilton Grand Vacations is committed to providing wonderful holidays for all our members and takes into consideration the needs of those who have a disability or an access requirement.

We have an ongoing program of commitment which consists of:

  • Ensuring we aim to comply with disability discrimination legislation and exceed the requirements (where possible) regarding the refurbishment of our resorts.
  • Making appropriate enhancements to resorts and resort plans.
  • Improving internal awareness and training.
  • Providing accurate information on our website and in our literature, including information on access, available facilities and auxiliary aids.
  • Communicating with our members via regular disability forums and surveys to identify areas for improvement.
  • Producing compliant literature and communicating within the same guidelines.

Please note that we offer you a wide range of complimentary accessories available for your comfort. The resort has a sharps bin and medical waste disposable bags upon request.

Hilton Grand Vacations owns or manages some of its listed properties; for others, Hilton Grand Vacations allows bookings of properties that are separately owned or managed.  For those properties, Hilton Grand Vacations may not have accurate or complete information about accessibility features available, and regrettably cannot assume any responsibility for any features or policies at those properties.

For properties that Hilton Grand Vacations owns or manages, we have ADA amenities available. For any guests needing assistance, or if you have any questions/comments regarding the above, please contact us at:

Call: {0}



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