For HGV MAX Members the Hilton Honors number is required.
Hilton Honors
Associated Memberships
Hilton Honors
You have entered an invalid Hilton Honors Number, please re-enter or register for an account on
We were unable to validate the number entered against Hilton Honor’s Systems, please try again or contact us.
An unknown error {0} occurred in assigning your Hilton Honors number.
A valid Hilton Honors number must be all numeric and not more than 30 characters in length.
Hilton Honors Number Error
Manage your security settings
4. Security
to re-enroll your new email address with Two - Step Verification.
Click Here
Confirm Email Update
If you change this email - you will have to re-enroll for two-step verification with new Email Address
If you change this email - you will have to re-enroll for two-step verification with new Email Address (next step)
If you change this email - you will have to re-enroll for two-step verification with new Email Address (next step)
If you change this email - you will have to re-enroll for two-step verification with new Email Address (next step)
1. Contact Information
2. Interests
3. Accessibility
Your annual fee is now due.
Please click here to make payments.
The credit card has expired, please enter a valid date.
Exp Date
Delete Card
Primary Contact
Secondary Contact
Primary Contact
First Name
Last Name
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
Date of Birth
Secondary Contact
Date of Birth
First Name
Last Name
Primary Address
Primary E-mail
Primary Phone
Primary Emergency Contact
Secondary Address
Secondary E-mail
Secondary Phone
Secondary Emergency Contact
{0} - {1}
booking a reservation.]]>
making a payment.]]>
Payment Methods
making a payment or booking a reservation.]]>
making a payment]]>
booking a reservation]]>
Select a bank account to delete or enter a new payment method below.
Your account was saved successfully!
Your account was deleted successfully!
Are you sure you wish to delete this account?
Bank Account on File
This area contains the current information about you and your family. It's important to make sure
the information is accurate. We want to provide you with the best service possible and keeping your personal
information correct and updated will help us achieve this goal together. To make changes click on the links below.
Contact Information
Credit Cards
Security Questions
Account Information
Customer Number
Primary E-mail
Change Username\Password
Update Contact Information
Update Saved Credit Cards
Update Security Questions
Update Interests
Update Accessibility Profile
Billing Statement
Member Offers
Promotional Offers
You have not selected any special interests.
You have not selected any special needs.
You have not saved any credit cards.
not provided
Save Contact Information
Save Your Interests
Update Accessibility Profile
Add Credit Card
Save Security Questions
Save Username
Save Password
Save Contact Information
Hearing Impairment
Partial Mobility Impairment
Pre Existing Medical Condition
Visually Impaired
Wheelchair User
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Congratulations! You have successfully completed registration and the initial Preferences pages.
You are now going to be sent to the Members Area home page. If you wish to make changes to the preferences
sections you already reviewed, or wish to access additional preferences pages, please click the Preferences
link provided in the menu on the Members Area home page.
Congratulations! Your password has been updated successfully and is now more secure. You are going to be sent to the
Members Area home page. If you wish to make changes to your password, or wish to access additional preferences
pages, please click the Preferences link provided in the menu on the Members Area home page.
Continue To Members Area home page
Hearing Impairment or hearing loss that constitutes a full or partial decrease in the ability to detect or understand sounds.]]>
Partial Mobility Impairment (either permanent or temporary) ranging from lower body impairments, requiring the use of canes, or walkers,
to upper body impairments which may include limited or no use of the upper extremities and hands.]]>
Pre-Existing Medical Condition that may require emergency medical attention.]]>
Visual Impairment or vision impairment that constitutes a significant limitation of visual capacity, ranging from partially sighted to total blindness.]]>
Wheelchair user due to partial or full mobility impairment.]]>
Your Interests
Disability and Access Requirements
We are committed to providing owners and members with the Vacations of a LifetimeTM they deserve.
We'd like to know a little more about your interests and travel preferences.
Every effort will be made to accommodate accessibility needs of our members, and ensure adapted accommodations are reserved for those members
who require alternative accommodations. Members requiring accessible accommodations are encouraged to make their reservations as far in advance
as possible so that we can make every effort to secure availability.
making a payment or booking a reservation.]]>
Use the form below to update the security questions you use to retrieve your username and/or password in the event you are unable to remember them.
Use the form below to keep your contact information up to date.
Select a credit card to delete or enter a new credit card below and click 'Add Credit Card'.
Please choose 3 questions and answers.
Use the form below to select a new username to use to access your Member Area.
Use the form below to update the password you use to access your Member Area.
We are committed to security. Your password no longer meets the minimum security requirements and must be updated.
The form has not yet been submitted. Please review the items below and either confirm your address or go back and edit the address provided.
Select All
Unselect All
Please complete the required information below in order to proceed.
Your interests were updated successfully!
Your accessibility profile has been updated successfully!
Your credit card was saved succcessfully!
Your credit card was deleted succcessfully!
Your security questions were updated successfully!
Your password has been updated successfully!
Your username has been updated successfully!
Your contact info has been updated successfully!
Are you sure you want to delete this credit card?
There was an error communicating to the server.
All answers must have a selected question.
All selected questions should be unique.
The information provided is incomplete, please verify if missing a building or apartment number.
The information provided could not be verified, please ensure the accuracy of the address provided.
The username is already in use. Please try a different name.
The Primary Confirm E-mail field does not match the Primary E-mail field.
The Alternate Confirm E-mail field does not match the Alternate E-mail field.
The credit card has expired, you can only add valid credit cards.
The credit card number is invalid or is not a recognized credit card.
Card Number
Issue Number (Switch Only)
Card Holder Name
Expiration Date
Credit Card on File
Name on Card
Expires on
We proudly accept the following credit cards:
{0} ending in {1}
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
Contains 1 or more numbers.
Contains 1 or more letters.
Contains 8 or more characters.
Does not contain illegal characters.
Password and username are not the same.
Your current username
Verify Password
Address 2
Address 3
Postal Code
Mobile 2
Work 2
-- Select a Question --
New Password
Old Password
Verify Your Address
Confirm, this is my address
Original Address Entry
Suggested Address(es)
Go Back and Edit Address
Current Username
Marital Status
The Home Phone must be a valid phone number.
The Secondary Home Phone must be a valid phone number.
The Work Phone must be a valid phone number.
The Secondary Work Phone must be a valid phone number.
The Mobile Phone must be a valid phone number.
The Secondary Mobile Phone must be a valid phone number.
The Work Phone Extension needs a valid Work Phone number.
The Secondary Work Phone Extension needs a valid Work Phone number.
The FAX must be a valid phone number.
The Secondary FAX must be a valid phone number.
Please enter at least one phone number.
Please enter at least one phone number.
The Password field contains a word that is not allowed.
The Password field does not meet the minimum requirements.
The original password is invalid.
The field Province must be a valid Province.
The field State must be a valid State.
The field County must be a valid County.
Please enter an Issue Number.
The Emergency Contact Phone must be a valid phone number
The Secondary Emergency Contact Phone must be a valid phone number
Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z), (0-9), (.) or (_).
Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z), (0-9), (.) or (_).
Family Member
(This will not update your associate members listings.)
Your family member was successfully removed from the list.
Are you sure you want to delete this family member from the list?
Add Family Member
The relationship for the family member is not defined.
The name for the family member is not entered.
The birthdate for the family member is not valid.
The Primary Emergency Contact Name is invalid.
The Secondary Emergency Contact Name is invalid.
Uses Service Dog due to partial or full mobility impairment.]]>
Service Dog User
Add Pet
Travels With Me
Requires Cage
Service Dog
Please select the type of pet for your pet information
Are you sure you want to delete this pet from the list?
The Country Code is not valid
First Name
Last Name
Card Holder Name cannot contain the credit card number.
The field E-mail must be a valid E-mail.
The field First Name is required.
The field Last Name is required.
The field City must be a valid City.
The field Address must be a valid Address.
The field Postal Code must be a valid Postal Code.]]>
Security Code
Expiration Date
Update Interests Profile
Contact Information
An error occured while adding a card. Please contact Administrator!
Card Verification Number